
A 5 elemento procura voluntario para Turim Itália

A 5 Elemento procura um voluntário jovem, apaixonado por música e com interesse na área da organização de eventos, para colaborar num emocionante projecto no âmbito do Serviço voluntário Europeu (SVE) em Turim, Itália!
O voluntário seleccionado para este SVE dará apoio num centro de juventude equipado com Sala de espectáculos, rádio, sala de jogos e sala de ensaios para bandas jovens locais. O voluntário vai co-participar nas iniciativas levadas a cabo pelos jovens, tentando facilitar a criação e a implementação das suas ideias e colaborar com a equipa da associação Taurus na produção de eventos, na gestão dos espaços onde irão decorrer as actividades propostas e irá colaborar em particular naquelas actividades que têm o maior interesse (salas de música, concertos e performance de palco, área de skaters, bar, novos projectos, etc.).
Para além de tudo o que o voluntário irá aprender durante esta experiência, que será para si uma mais-valia a nível pessoal e profissional, o voluntário terá direito a duas semanas de curso intensivo de italiano. É sem dúvida uma oportunidade imperdível, principalmente para aqueles que estão ou pretendem estar dentro desta área e procuram ter uma experiência de voluntariado no estrangeiro. Se é o teu caso, entra já em contacto connosco!


Tel: 21 093 86 80

Email: geral@5elemento.org

Site da Associação Taurus

Myspace da Associação Taurus


Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu no Luxemburgo

A ACV procura Voluntário para fazer um projecto de um ano no Luxemburgo para o Instituto europeu de Solidariedade Social. O voluntário deverá ser jovem, motivado, gostar de trabalhar em ambientes multiculturais e tem que saber falar e escrever em francês. O projecto é de um ano e tem início no dia 1 de Janeiro.


Queres fazer voluntariado em África???

Se tens vontade de participar num projecto de Voluntariado em África de curta duração, aqui está a tua oportunidade!!

O ISU (Instituto de Solidariedade e Cooperação Universitária) abre inscrições para o XIII Curso de Formação Específica Djunta Mon, a realizar durante os meses de Março e Abril.

Esta é uma formação que pretende dar a conhecer a filosofia de actuação do ISU e preparar os voluntários para integrar projectos de cooperação em Cabo-Verde e Guiné-Bissau, funcionando simultaneamente como processo de selecção para pessoas que queiram participar nos projectos Djunta Mon, entre Agosto e Outubro de 2010.

Pré-requisitos para inscrição:

- Idade: entre os 18 e os 35 anos
- Disponibilidade para os meses de projecto

40 € (no acto de inscrição) + 60 € (30€ em cada fim-de-semana de formação)

+ Informações:
- inscrições sujeitas a pré-selecção (no caso de mais de 25 inscrições)

- Formação em horário pós-laboral incluindo 2 fins-de-semana
+ infos: Cátia Lopes (nodjuntamon@isu.pt tel: 21 395 78 31 ou 916124885)


ISU - Instituto de Solidariedade e Cooperação Universitária

Travessa do Possolo,
nº11, 3ºdrt.
1350-252 Lisboa

Tel: +351 213957831
Fax: +351 213907206

for the deadline of 1st of April 2010 we’re looking for 2 male volunteers, to be hosted in 2007-IT-71 Ai Rucc e dintorni (Home for drug-addicted people located in a small village called Vobarno).
For more information about the activity, please read its description on the database on-line.
The activity will start in July 2010 and finish in April 2011 (duration: 9 months).
If you have some suitable candidates, please contact us at the e-mail address you can find below.
Thank you very much!

Mauro Guaschi
Operatore Mobilità Internazionale
Referente del Servizio Volontario Europeo

Tempo Libero Società Cooperativa Sociale – ONLUS
Via Spalto San Marco 37/bis
25121 Brescia (Italy)

tel. +39 030 2808350
fax +39 030 2808366


FEJS Macedonia organization for their project www.mladiinfo.com is looking for EVS volunteer starting from September 2010 for 9 months period

The EVS volunteer will have the
opportunity to work with a very young but also very professional group
of people, who already gained valuable experience in project
management, working and participating in many international youth

The project include activities

He/she will work on updating and bringing new contents of FEJS Macedonia web page www.mladiinfo.com .

Mladi Info is an informative web portal, an enthusisatic attempt to
group in one place all studying possibilities, scholarships, grants,
trainings and conferences, various calls, working and internship
opportunities available for the young people in Europe.

He/she will be involved in the implementation of the forthcoming FEJS Macedonia projects.

He/she will be provided with the opportunity from the very beginning
to initiate his/her own project/activity which will be supported by
FEJS Macedonia who will help for securing the necessary funds.

If you have sending organization contact them if they could apply for your grant up to April 1st deadline in your NA

FEJS Macedonia
Trifun Hadzijanev 7/5/1

Stichting Tripin, in cooperation with Stichting Bataviawerf (www.bataviawerf.nl) and Stichting Kwintes (www.kwintes.nl) is going to apply for five EVS places in the two NGO's mentioned above. We will apply for the April deadline and the projects will start on the 1st of September 2010 till the 1st of September 2011. For more information please look on www.tripin.eu under EVS, subgroup 'vacancies'. Instructions how to apply are stated in the PDF files wich you will find on our website.

Hoping to see your applications!

We have one vacancy for the *SEED - Sport Education for intEgration
One of the volunteers had a car accident and the drop the project.

SEED (Sport Education for intEgration Development) is a Group EVS project
having as main aim the involvement, active participation and cooperation
between Rroma and Romanian youngsters. The project will involve 10
volunteers from Programme Countries, and will be implemented in Craiova for
9 months, basically in three communities were Rroma youngsters are living
and studying (only in a separated manner from the Romanian pupils).

The project aims also towards volunteer personal development, providing them
opportunities for intercultural learning and cultural awareness, new skills
and abilities development, multilinguism and use of sport as educational

The project is divided in 5 main phases: a Capacity building training, the
preparation of the activities schedule, through trainings and planning
meetings, the implementation of the after-school non formal educational
activities, the implementation of the Summer Camp and the Evaluation.
Furthermore, during the whole duration of the project, weekly and monthly
evaluation meetings will take place, in order to establish a constant
reciprocal monitoring of the implementation of the project in between the
volunteers and the project-coordinators.

*Locations:* Craiova (Mofleni, Lascar Catargiu and Popoveni neighbourhoods),
Scoala n°26, Str. Banu Stepan nr.20, 200819 Craiova; Scoala n° 19, Str.
Baraganului nr. 45, Craiova, Dolj, Romania. Scoala Generala Popoveni.
Further info at:* http://yesforevs.eu/seed.php*
Interested organizations or volunteers please send the CV and Motivation
Letter + a picture to carmen.ungureanu@epyd.eu
Carmen Tufagiu (Ungureanu)
Project manager
European Platform for Youth Development
Str. Petre Ispirescu, Parter, Camin 6, Craiova, Romania, 200479
(004) 0765.50.48.55/ (004) 0740.181.153

We, the Public Environmental Center for Sustainable Development, are looking for our next volunteer to start a one-year project in Varna, Bulgaria on 1st of September 2010. The project is focused on ecological activities such as collection and recycling of paper, tree planting, cleaning of wild beaches around the city, etc. You could read the full description of the organization, the project and the community on the following link:


Please, if you have any volunteers interested in our project, send us their CV and a motivation letter explaining why they are motivated to take part exactly in our project.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

We are looking for voluntary groups that would like to participate in our project(youth action programme 1.1.) ‘The Road To The Future’ which aims to help teenagers (aged 13-15) with poor economic situation get a basic idea about professional life in an enjoyable way, by teaching them a little bit of sports,acting,and by awakening eagerness to learn new languages.

The activity will be held in one of our university’s facilities in Ankara,Turkey between 21st and 28th September,2010.


Number of groups from each country:1

Number of participating countries : 4

Group size : 5 (with a leader)

70% of the transportation expenses and all of the visa,travel insurance,accommodation and food expenses will be provided by the Turkish National Agency.

Your partnership application will be accepted if our project application is accepted by our national agency.

For further information,please contact:

Tolga Tatlıdede(Ankara University Youth Programs Office)



The BHH Sozialkontor is a big NGO in Hamburg which operates in the field of services for disabled people. We have a free evs placement in the project "Come together", EI-Nr: 2007-DE-47, http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=6001117975 The volunteer should be available a.s.a.p. since another applicant canceled his participation. The stay could for example start in May and would probably last 10 month, perhaps even longer.

The project is already granted by our national agency. We are open to applicants from all programme countries. But since we already have 2 volunteers from Hungary and 2 from Turkey, we can't accept applications from these countries, sorry.

Interested applicants should send their cv and a motivation letter concerning their interest in the evs and especially regarding the work with disabled people to evs@bhh-sozialkontor.de. Don't hesitate to call me if you have further questions.

Our NGO (Hellenic Association of Informatics - HAI) start to look urgently for 1 EVS volunteer for 01/04/2010 application date, for our EVS project in Athens downtown related with the support of our youth information office (information, support volunteers, actions etc).
EVS service period start @ 15/09/2010 for 6 or 9 months (we are open to this).
PLEASE HAVE YOUR MIND: Perfect volunteer is a person very motivated, with fantasy and also very open to speak with other persons
If any of your volunteers have interest about this projects, please make a contact with us.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: For this project its impossible to apply to our National Agency, so we want to apply the sending NGO in the sending National Agency. From our part its ready the application form in English.

We are running Youth Information Offices in cooperation with the Municipality of Xylokastro, Municipality of Velo, Municipality of Vocha and the Municipality of Assos-Lehaio and we host/ coordinate 32 long/short term voluntary placements all year long.
Above of our long term projects we coordinate we are running 2 short term programmes that is described below and we would like to present for the April deadline.
About the background of the youngsters we can host: Τhe EVS placements for youngsters with fewer opportunities to join European Youth Program. The profile of the volunteers is youth with less opportunity, typically youngsters with educational difficulties, cultural differences, social-economical and/or geographical difficulties..etc.. For most of them this could be the first time to travel abroad, to have international experience, to experience being European citizen and they are given the opportunity for mobility.
If you are interested in this cooperation to send youngsters to these programmes, please let me know.

Musical instruments laboratory 2007-GR-15
starting date: 5th July, duration: 4 weeks
In the project the volunteers will participate actively in the building and reconstruction of traditional and modern musical instruments, creation of a step-by-step guide with photographs and text concerning the building and conservation of traditional musical instruments, developing presentations through the computer (Power Point) about the building of the musical instruments and the activities of the host organization, organize exhibitions with the musical instruments, which are made through the voluntary work and presentations about the European voluntary work, promotion of the European Voluntary Service in the local schools.

Youth together for the forest of Xylokastro 2007-gr-17
starting date: 5th July, duration: 4 weeks
We would like to host EVS volunteers to support and help in the everyday work of the environmental program of the municipality of Xilokastro. This includes helping to protect the forest of Xilokastro, protect the coast, planting new trees, they will help making new and repairing the old footpath, benches, tables, wooden and metal fences in the forest, making researches about new and different methods about how to protect the nature.