We have one vacancy for the *SEED - Sport Education for intEgration
One of the volunteers had a car accident and the drop the project.
SEED (Sport Education for intEgration Development) is a Group EVS project
having as main aim the involvement, active participation and cooperation
between Rroma and Romanian youngsters. The project will involve 10
volunteers from Programme Countries, and will be implemented in Craiova for
9 months, basically in three communities were Rroma youngsters are living
and studying (only in a separated manner from the Romanian pupils).
The project aims also towards volunteer personal development, providing them
opportunities for intercultural learning and cultural awareness, new skills
and abilities development, multilinguism and use of sport as educational
The project is divided in 5 main phases: a Capacity building training, the
preparation of the activities schedule, through trainings and planning
meetings, the implementation of the after-school non formal educational
activities, the implementation of the Summer Camp and the Evaluation.
Furthermore, during the whole duration of the project, weekly and monthly
evaluation meetings will take place, in order to establish a constant
reciprocal monitoring of the implementation of the project in between the
volunteers and the project-coordinators.
*Locations:* Craiova (Mofleni, Lascar Catargiu and Popoveni neighbourhoods),
Scoala n°26, Str. Banu Stepan nr.20, 200819 Craiova; Scoala n° 19, Str.
Baraganului nr. 45, Craiova, Dolj, Romania. Scoala Generala Popoveni.
Further info at:* http://yesforevs.eu/seed.php*
Interested organizations or volunteers please send the CV and Motivation
Letter + a picture to carmen.ungureanu@epyd.eu
Carmen Tufagiu (Ungureanu)
Project manager
European Platform for Youth Development
Str. Petre Ispirescu, Parter, Camin 6, Craiova, Romania, 200479
(004) 0765.50.48.55/ (004) 0740.181.153
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